How it all came to be...

  Pennello Nails was founded in 2017 when I had a small dream of doing nails and creating art on people's hands. I have always been in the artistic field from taking art classes under various teachers to pursuing graphic design, Adobe certs and UX courses, I found my calling in nail art. 
  I started as a small home-based business wanting to gain skills and experience while working at a climbing gym (two completely opposite fields), broke my nails too many times to count and finally decided to focus completely on nails.
  Fast forward to 2021, when the world was going through COVID-19, I started my own salon and became my own boss, doing what I absolutely adore and it slowly became more than 1000 appointments since 2017. I've met so many wonderful, kind people who have supported me since day one and I cannot wait to meet more of you and let you walk out with beautiful nails. 
Amelia-Jane x